tea, bath & body and beyond

Tea for me. Tea for you.
Tea for one and tea for two.
Black tea, red tea, green and white.
Let's talk tea (and other stuff)... all day and all night.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Location, Location, Location

We've moved from our (off-the-beaten path) East 3rd Street location in NYC. As of this month, it's official: we've gone global. Actually, we started global, then went local ...or is that "loco"?

We're going to miss our neighbors: the legendary, Miguel of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe; the Grace Heaven Salon Trio: Jane, Yuki and Agatha; Cafe Cortadito; Chez Betty; Volunteer Portrait Models, Steve, Fiona, Lior, and more...including all the people we grabbed off the street during our first week in operation. (view 3rd Street portraits at: Murat Ozdemir Photography); Most of all, we're going to miss meeting our customers (actual and potential).

To compensate for our loss, we may have to add a photo submission requirement for online shoppers, and require that all visitors to the website submit a comment before they are able to navigate away from the site. I'm kidding. Or am I?

It was such a wonderful place and (to quote my husband) "the thing is," it wouldn't have been the same experience without all you wonderful people.

Keep in touch. I believe in what they say: when one door closes, another opens. I also know that, on occasion, and depending on the force of the wind... when a window opens, a door shuts (and usually quite loudly). We took care to leave quietly. But we'll invite you all to our next grand opening PARTY.


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